The co-organizing organizations of the conference are:
ÖFSE: ÖFSE – the Austrian Foundation for Development Research – is Austria's leading research and information centre on international trade and development.
AK: The Chamber of Labour is the statutory representative body for about 3.8 mio employees in Austria. It represents its members in all social, educational, economic and consumer policy issues at national and EU level.
RLS: The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is an internationally operating, left-wing non-profit organisation providing civic education. It is affiliated with Germany’s ‘Die Linke’ (Left Party). Active since 1990, the foundation has been committed to the analysis of social and political processes and developments worldwide.
Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna: The Department of Development Studies aims to challenge classical approaches to ‘development’ and produce new transdisciplinary perspectives, theoretical concepts and methodological approaches to ‘development’ and global inequalities that go beyond disciplinary boundaries and a simple North-South divide.
Attac: Attac Austria is a social movement organization that has been campaigning for socially just globalization and trade justice for more than 20 years and has co-initiated the Austrian trade justice platform "Anders Handeln".
Anders Handeln: We are a broad alliance of civil society organisations from the agricultural, cultural, trade union, church, feminist, environmental, development and trade policy sectors.
Members of the organizing comittee are:
Werner Raza (ÖFSE), Cornelia Staritz (University of Vienna), Alexandra Strickner (Attac Austria), Oliver Prausmüller (AK Wien), Monika Feigl-Heihs (AK Wien), Florian Horn (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Brussels), Theresa Kofler (ÖFSE).