C3 - Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung, Alois Wagner-Saal
What future for the European Union - Stagnation and Polarisation or New Foundations?
Presentation of the EuroMemorandum 2015
with Marica Frangakis (Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Athens), Iván H. Ayala (ICEI, econoNuestra and Podemos, Madrid), Elisabeth Springler, (University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna) and Werner Raza (ÖFSE).
Organizers: ÖFSE, BEIGEWUM in cooperation with Wirtschaftspolitischen Akademie
› Presentation Werner Raza (pdf)
› Presentation Marica Frangakis (pdf)
› Part I – Presentations by Raza, Frangakis, Ayala and Springler
› Part II – Plenary Discussion