Pic climate justice

The project “Pic climate justice” aims to encourage young people in the global south and north to discuss and participate in the complex topic of “climate justice”. Within the project, 15-20 young people between 16 and 30 years from Austria and Ecuador design a digital photo exhibition in which they illustrate their personal experiences and perspectives on the topic "climate justice".

[Translate to Englisch:] Pic Herstory, Foto (c) Jump

Five participants will also be trained to become so-called “Guides”. The purpose of the "Guides" is to encourage other young people in the global south and north to think about "climate justice". They will jointly develop a workshop with the use of the digital photo exhibition to discuss the underlying topics with groups of young people (peer to peer).

The digital photo exhibition will be presented to an audience in public online and offline events, in schools, universities, youth centers, shopping centers, cultural centers and various other places.

The exhibition premiere will be held online on the 1st of October 2022 online via zoom.

> Please register


The project is conducted by JUMP the Jugend-Umwelt-Plattform in cooperation with frauen*solidarität, ÖFSE, IPSUM, Jugend-eine-Welt, Salesiana Universidad Politecnica Ecuador.