Research & Consulting

Workshop im C3

ÖFSE's research activities focus on publishing studies, analyses and policy papers, as well as on offering policy and strategic consulting for public and private stakeholders in the fields of both Austrian and international development policy and development cooperation. Furthermore, designing discursive reflection and learning processes regarding its priority issues are other important elements of ÖFSE’s approach to development.

ÖFSE defines itself as a scientific centre of excellence for development policy. It develops policy recommendations based on academic knowledge, sound empirical evidence and the practical experience of Austrian and international players in development policy and cooperation. Due to its expertise and networking with the international development community, ÖFSE supports Austrian development policy by introducing novel and topical issues and research results.

ÖFSE’s research staff is involved in a broad range of research projects and is contributing to diverse policy networks. The research activities are focused upon the following key research areas:

  1. Austrian and international development policy and cooperation
  2. Education and development
  3. International Trade Policy and Global Value Chains
  4. Private Sector Development (PSD) and Industrial Policy
  5. Raw materials and development
  6. Stakeholder participation, process support and moderation

Research results are published as Working Papers, Briefing Papers and Policy Notes. Larger studies are published in the series “ÖFSE Edition”.
The knowledge accumulated at ÖFSE becomes accessible to the interested public through numerous activities including lectures and consulting.

Scientific staff