Austrian and International Development Policy
Development policies, both national and international, have been at the core of our research interests since OeFSE was founded in 1967.
In the area of international development policy, OeFSE is concerned with global goals, institutions and trends. These include, for example, declarations and resolutions adopted at multilateral and regional summits. Such major political decisions also serve as a frame of reference for bilateral development cooperation. OeFSE follows not only the political but the scientific discourse on international development policy. We contribute to the Austrian discourse through events, publications and other interventions. Through contributions, statements and participation in international networks (e.g. EADI, CONCORD, EURODAD, etc.), OeFSE contributes to an informed development policy discourse.
OeFSE documents and analyses Austrian and international development policy. We see ourselves as a research institution that actively pursues dialogue and exchange with stakeholders in Austrian development policy. Through various activities (such as events, publications, workshops or consulting services), OeFSE contributes to the discussion and advancement of development policy. Each with their own thematic expertise and specialisation, the ÖFSE research staff supports stakeholders in Austria and beyond.
Dr. Lukas Schlogl
Senior Researcher
phone: +43 1 317 40 10 – 110
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