COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic poses multiple and partly dramatic challenges to the global community. It has led to a severe economic crisis and exposed weaknesses in international cooperation. The crisis threatens to deepen existing social inequalities - on the one hand within national borders, but also particularly drastically in a global comparison. But it also shows that global cooperation and collaboration are urgently needed to overcome the pandemic.

In commentaries, briefing papers, commissioned studies, journal articles and blog posts, ÖFSE scientists have addressed a wide range of issues related to the global impact of the pandemic. In addition, ÖFSE voices could be heard, seen and read at events and in various media. On this page we provide an overview of ÖFSE's work on the topic.

The annual flagship report of ÖFSEAustrian Development Policy – in 2021 was also dedicated to the pandemic and its consequences under the title "COVID-19 and the Global South – Perspectives and Challenges". On December 15, 2021, the report was presented in an online event. The Austrian Development Policy 2022 is currently in preparation and will follow up on the discussions of 2021 with its thematic focus "A Just Post-COVID-19 World – Cooperative Conceptions and Policies at a Global Level".

Security of supply of critical goods (german/english)

Aktueller ÖFSE-Kommentar:

  • Zur EU-Debatte um die Versorgungssicherheit mit medizinischen und pharmazeutischen Produkten post-COVID-19: Versorgungssicherheit für wen? (Dezember 2020)


ÖFSE Working Paper:

ÖFSE Briefing Paper:



Impact of the pandemic on commodity dependency in the Global South (german/english)

Aktueller ÖFSE-Kommentar:

  • Die steigende Bedeutung steigender Rohstoffpreise (November 2021)

ÖFSE Working Paper:

ÖFSE Briefing Paper:


  • Effects of the COVID-19 Crisis on Commodity-Dependent Countries: Unprecedented but not Unpredictable. The European Journal of Development Research (EJDR), Volume 32, Issue 4 (Oktober 2020)



Austrian and European development policy (german/english)

Aktueller ÖFSE-Kommentar:



COVID-19 and education systems (german/english)

Aktueller ÖFSE-Kommentar:

  • COVID-19 und Bildung: Alte Rezepte gegen neue globale Ungleichheit? (Jänner 2022)

ÖFSE Briefing Paper:


Global vaccine justice (german/english)

Aktueller ÖFSE-Kommentar:

  • Die richtigen Lehren aus der Corona Pandemie ziehen heißt: Gesundheit als globales öffentliches Gut denken! (Mai 2021)
  • COVID-19 und die „vernachlässigten Krankheiten“: Zeit für einen Politikwechsel! (Februar 2021)
  • Zur globalen Dimension der COVID-19 Pandemie: No one is safe, until everybody is safe! (Jänner 2021)

ÖFSE Briefing Paper:


