Educational Projects
Together with our partners throughout Austria and the EU, ÖFSE implements projects in the field of global citizenship and transformative education. The target group of our projects includes first and foremost teachers, students and young people, and involves furthermore a diverse group of actors and multipliers in the field of educational work.
The main target group are students at secondary level of all school types. ÖFSE is committed to the principle of “Leave no one behind“. Therefore, a guiding objective is to approach all groups of students in their needs and include them in participatory activities. ÖFSE considers the voices and perspectives of marginalised students often excluded from socio-political discourses as a crucial contribution to the implementation of the UN Agenda 2030. Under the motto "Development Knowledge for All", ÖFSE therefore takes the issue of inequality into account in its projects financed by Austrian Development Cooperation and the European Union, including the target group itself.
The second target group includes teachers, schools and education experts. ÖFSE involves them in the design and implementation of innovative and participatory educational formats within the framework of international projects. In this way, ÖFSE supports students, schools and multipliers with knowledge building about the UN Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Current projects:
> Deal with it!
> FutureSIM
> Pic climate justice
> Young Science & Research (german)