Design/facilitation of participatory processes and events

[Translate to Englisch:] The Nexus Game
[Translate to Englisch:] The Nexus Game and its potential application in stakeholder participation processes. Workshop, June 2019

Solving complex social challenges requires the cooperation and constructive dialogue of as many stakeholders as possible at the interface between science, politics, business and civil society. This requires professional planning of processes and innovative dialogue formats that promote trust and creativity. Participants should meet at eye level and recognise different points of view as enriching.

[Translate to Englisch:] Stakeholder Participation - Workshop
[Translate to Englisch:] Stakeholder participation in development research. Add-on or essential? Workshop, June 2019

With this understanding, OeFSE designs and moderates participatory processes (e.g. citizens' councils) and innovative events in the field of international and sustainable development. OeFSE then analyses their results scientifically in order to integrate them into research processes. Through a varied and interactive design, carefully selected methods and a mindful approach to facilitation, the participants can contribute their knowledge and potential in the best possible way, achieve innovative results together and develop viable solutions.