Austrian development financing

A country's contribution to international development cooperation is measured on the basis of various financial contributions, falling under the statistical definitions of the OECD's Development Assistance Committee (DAC).

We consider the full spectrum of Austria’s financial contributions to developing countries -- including but not limited to ODA -- are of interest to our research. Our regular analyses of Austrian development finance thus focus on Austria's total financial contributions to developing countries in an international comparison as well as and on Austria's reporting practices to theOECD’sDAC.

"Austrian Development Policy – Analyses . Reports . Information"

Since 1985, OeFSE has regularly published Austrian Development Policy – Analyses • Reports • Information. This publicationpresents and analyses Austria's total financial flows to countries in the Global South.

In addition to Austria's Official Development Assistance (ODA), other official flows (OOF), private direct investments and officially supported export credits as well as private grants are analysed and presented. To assess the financial flows in their entirety, we also consider the remittances of guest workers and migrants to their countries of origin in this publication.

Since 2001, each issue of Austrian Development Policy has been dedicated to a special topic of particular relevance to Austrian or international development policy. Since 2012, the publication has further been supplemented with a chronicle of the most important development policy events in the previous year.

In addition to specific facts and figures, development finance in general is also a focus of OeFSE's research. We particularly follow the continuous redefinition of standards of official development assistance (ODA) reporting. The main questions here are what transfers and services are eligible for being reported as ODA in the future and how other activities that benefit international development can be recorded and taken into account.

With its expertise, OeFSE is the international (e.g. for CONCORD, EURODAD, EADI) and national point of contactfor questions on Austrian development policy and development cooperation tackled from an independent, evidence-based perspective. We thus make an important contribution to greater transparency in the area of development finance.

For more information contact:

Dr. Lukas Schlogl
Senior Researcher
phone: +43 1 317 40 10 – 110 

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