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The role of social dialogue in the transfer of the dual system of vocational education and training. The case of Serbia

Margarita Langthaler / Proloeng Top

Wien, June 2023 | DOI:

The transfer of the dual system of vocational education and training (VET) has been increasing for some years, both towards OECD countries and to the Global South. It also plays an increasing role in development cooperation. One reason for this is the assumption that dual VET is one of the main reasons for low youth unemployment and high economic productivity in German-speaking countries. In transfer processes, the focus is usually on cooperation between the government and companies ("duality of learning places"). It is often forgotten that the success of dual VET in German-speaking countries is causally linked to the institutionalised tripartite dialogue between government and representative bodies of both companies and workers. Worker integration plays an essential role in enabling dual VET to contribute to decent work, improved living standards and democratic participation. In its absence, the achievement of these human development goals is at risk. This working paper analyses the case of Serbia, where a system of dual VET was introduced in 2017 with the support of German-speaking countries.

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