ÖFSE - Austrian Foundation for Development Research

Austria's leading research and information centre on development cooperation and development policy. The foundation has been at the service of the interested public ever since its establishment in 1967. 


Research & Consulting

ÖFSE's research activities focus on publishing studies, analyses and policy papers, as well as on offering policy and strategic consulting for public and private stakeholders in the fields of both Austrian and international development policy and development cooperation.



In its events, the ÖFSE puts current topics of development policy and development cooperation up for discussion.

Actors in public and private development cooperation as well as development researchers, students, pupils as part of the VWA project and media representatives are addressed in various formats.

Educational Projects

Together with our partners throughout Austria and the EU, ÖFSE implements projects in the field of global citizenship and transformative education. The target group of our projects includes first and foremost teachers, students and young people, and involves furthermore a diverse group of actors and multipliers in the field of educational work.



Since September 2009, ÖFSE is operating the C3-Library for International Development in cooperation with Baobab and Frauen*solidarität. The C3-Library for International Development is open to the public.




In the C3 - Center for International Development in 1090 Vienna, two centrally located, bright, modern event rooms are available - the "Alois Wagner Saal" and the "Audre Lorde Studio". The rooms can be booked through the ÖFSE.