Mr. Werner Raza

Mr. Werner Raza
phone: +43 1 317 40 10 – 101

Werner Raza has been head of ÖFSE since October 2010. He is an economist specialising in international trade and development and a lecturer at various universities and universities of applied sciences in Austria and abroad. Dr Raza has also served as a member of advisory bodies in the areas of foreign trade promotion, development financing and development policy.

Research Areas:

  • Development economics and policy
  • Development finance
  • International trade policy (EU trade policy, WTO)
  • Analysing global value chains and industrial policy
  • Latin America (Bolivia, Cono Sur)
  • Africa (MENA region, Ethiopia, Kenya)



  • Austrian Research Foundation for International Development (ÖFSE), Director (since 10/2010)
  • University of Applied Sciences of the bfi Vienna, Head of the Bachelor and Master Programme "European Economy and Business Management" (10/2009-08/2010)
  • Chamber of Labour for Vienna, expert for European and international economics (2002-2009)
  • Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Institute for Economic Theory and Policy/Department of Foreign Trade and Development Planning, contract assistant (1992-2002)

Research stays

Several months of research stays and field research in the USA, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Tunisia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya.

Teaching experience

  • Visiting Professor for Foreign Trade Policy at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, August 2010
  • Lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the University of Vienna and the University of Applied Sciences of the bfi Vienna (since 2007) in the fields of economics, international trade, development economics and European integration


  • Many years of experience in the field of scientific and applied research and policy advice in the areas of international trade, foreign trade, development economics, European integration
  • Extensive practical experience in the field of Austrian export promotion policy (former member of the Advisory Council under the Export Promotion Act, the Export Financing Committee, the Export Fund) and foreign trade policy (representation of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour in the inter-ministerial coordination committees under Art 133 EC, and in the Foreign Trade Advisory Council of the Federal Ministry of Finance) as well as member of the Advisory Council for Foreign Trade Statistics of Statistics Austria; member of the Austrian delegation at the 5th WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong, December 2005
  • Many years of work experience in the field of development research and policy, including member of the "Business and Development" committee of the Austrian Development Bank (2008-2009), member of the Austrian delegation at the WTO Ministerial Conference 2005 in Hong Kong, member of the Austrian delegation at the UN Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 13-22 June 2012


  • Diploma Studies at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Major in Economics and Social Sciences (1986-1988)
  • Diploma Studies at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Major in Economic and Social Sciences focusing on International Trade, Banking and Finance, (1988-1992): Master of Social and Economic Sciences (1992)
  • Graduate Studies in International Trade & Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (01/1990 to 06/1990)
  • Doctoral studies at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in the Social & Economic Sciences with a major in International Economics and Development Economics, Thesis: "The implementation of the concept of sustainable development in the neoliberal periphery: the case of Bolivia, 1989-1994", PhD in Social and Economic Sciences in June 1998 (summa cum laude).

CV (pdf)


  • Member of the Mattersburger Group for Development Policy
  • Member of the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group
  • Consulting activities for various domestic and foreign research institutions

Current publications: